Message for the Last Days – Isaiah Chapters in the BofM
Nephi 5:11-13
was to attain the plates of brass because they did contain the five
books of Moses which had an account of the creation and Adam and Eve.
Also, it contained a record of the Jews all the way to the reign of
Zedekiah, king of Judah. Importantly, included with the plates of
brass were prophecies of God all the way to Jeremiah. Isaiah was
among these prophets and likewise his prophecies were included in the
plates of brass.
Nephi 19:22-23
taught his brethren from the plates of brass as they contained
“doings of the Lord in other lands”. He read many things from the
books of Moses. But he clearly understands that to more fully
persuade his brethren to believe in the Lord, the Redeemer, he must
read that which was written by the prophet, Isaiah. Lastly, and ever
so importantly, he did “liken all scriptures unto us” so it would
be easier to understand and learn from them. As Nephi used Isaiah’s
writings of old and likened them to his times you too should use
Nephi’s writings and Isaiah’s writings and liken them to your
2 Nephi 11
explains that he uses the words of Isaiah along with his words and
his brother Jacob’s words because each of them have seen the
“Redeemer” and truly know him. He then says God establishes his
word “by the words of three” witnesses and he sends more to prove
the truthfulness of his word. These witnesses are men who have thru
building faith in Jesus Christ, seen the Lord Jesus Christ and know
him and his ways.
Nephi 12 (Isaiah 2)
mountain of the Lord’s house” is the Lord’s temple and it will
be built “in the top of the mountains” being higher than the
hills. All nations, meaning tribes of Israel, will flow unto it. A
divine message thru the Holy Ghost will be sent to many people who
believe in the God of Jacob to “come ye, and let us go up to the
mountain of the Lord”. There, the Lord, Jesus Christ, will teach
those who have come to his ways and those who have come “will walk
in his paths”. Those that come to Zion will rid themselves of
weapons and thoughts of war and will no longer learn war.
yourself enough to hear the message of the Lord thru the prophet
Isaiah’s words. If you believe in the God of Jacob and you want to
be counted with the house of Israel then you must accept that Isaiah
is speaking directly to you. He says to you that you “have all gone
astray, everyone to his wicked ways”. Your wicked ways are
traditions, cares, worries and thoughts that do not lead you to Jesus
Christ. Come to the Lord thru faith, seek to know him and his ways.
writes about the land you live in now, America, and all others like
it. He says it is full of “horses and chariots” - vehicles, full
of “idols” - leaders, famous people, money, cell phones,
electronics, food, you name it – if it was created by the “work
of their own hands” it can be worshiped in place of the Lord. You
worship what you seek. Seek God, even to know him face to face.
is everywhere consuming this land. Separate yourself from pride by
fearing God and no man. Humble yourself enough to hear the Lord,
Jesus Christ. Listen to him and follow him in order to come unto him.
Lord comes soon. Before he comes he will humbleth all men and take
away all their idols and bring them down low. Cease from the ways of
man with all your traditions and items of worship. Come to God. Be as
he would have you be.
Nephi 13 (Isaiah 3)
yourself of all your wants of the world and depend on the Lord thru
faith. When the day of famine and drought come, when the Lord takes
away the stay and the staff, be not afraid but have faith the Lord
will show you where to go for water and bread. In that same day the
Lord takes away the “mighty man”, those that are mighty as
pertaining to things of the world, by taking away their desire for
things of the world and replacing it with hunger and thirst. Many
will not know what to do and will oppress one another, even family,
friends and neighbors. The world will be in ruin and will have fallen
because of the desires of their hearts will have been set on things
of the world, even as Sodom. “Wo unto their souls, for they have
rewarded evil unto themselves”. As the righteous eat the fruit of
their doing likewise wo unto the wicked for they shall perish and the
work of their hands rewardeth them evil.
this sign and know the time is near even the day of drought and
famine. Children will be oppressors to the world and women will rule
over them. The daughters of Zion have become very prideful seeking
attention from many various ways. They long for money so they can
have fine things and they dress to impress and all the while
forgetting their Lord. They will be brought low when the day of
drought and famine comes. Be humble, see your vain and prideful ways
for what they are and be done with them.
Nephi 14 (Isaiah 4)
will be seven women to one man in Zion. The land will be beautiful
and fruitful for those who are counted with the tribes of Israel. The
city called, Zion, will be holy. The Lord will have washed away the
filth and purged the blood from the world, even by fire and the glory
thereof. There will be light by night and shadow during the day. The
light will be from flaming fire for defense and there will be also a
tabernacle for shadow and refuge from heat and covert from rain and
Nephi 15 (Isaiah 5)
Lord built a vineyard for the House of Israel and instead of grapes
it brought forth wild grapes. What is he to do but remove the vines
from the vineyard. Many houses and cities will become desolate and
scarce will be that which is good. Because men do not regard the work
of the Lord, many are gone in captivity and this because they have no
knowledge of the Lord. There will be drought and famine and hell will
have enlarged itself upon the earth. All will be humbled by
desolation, famine and drought except those who have faith in the
Jesus Christ and have humbled themselves by coming to the Lord and
rejected their old ways.
unto those who call evil, good and call good, evil. Wo unto the wise
according to themselves who do not humble themselves before the Lord.
Wo unto those who drink strong drink. Wo unto those who justify the
wicked and give them reward for wickedness and taketh away
Lord will take the wild grapes and remove them from his vineyard.
He will lift an ensign to be seen from far away and the tribes of Israel will go to it.
Those that come to God, removing themselves from the world, will be strong with the Lord.
He will lift an ensign to be seen from far away and the tribes of Israel will go to it.
Those that come to God, removing themselves from the world, will be strong with the Lord.
Nephi 16 (Isaiah 6)
is taken away in the spirit and sees the Lord, Jesus Christ on his
throne. He also sees the father who is one of the seraphim (six
wings: two cover his face, two cover his feet and with two he flies).
The Father and the Lord cry to each other saying, “Holy, holy,
holy, is the Lord of Hosts, the whole earth is full of his glory.”
Isaiah sees all his sins for what they are and cries, “Wo is unto
me! for I am undone”. Then the Father purges his sins saying,
“thine iniquity is taken away”. The Lord, Jesus Christ, calls
Isaiah to bring a message to his children and Isaiah says, “Here I
am, send me.” The message to the children is: “Yes, you hear but
you do not understand and yes, you see but you do not perceive, so
shut your eyes and ears of the world and see and hear with your heart
and be converted and be healed.” “How long?”, Isaiah asks the
Lord. The Lord says until there are no more men on earth. A tenth
shall return.
Nephi 17 (Isaiah 7)
sign was given thru Isaiah from the Lord that he, Jesus Christ, would
come to earth and be born of a virgin, being called Immanuel. He will
know to refuse the evil and to choose the good. (2 Nephi 17:15) He
came in a time when there was plenty… “for butter and honey shall
everyone eat”.
Nephi 18 (Isaiah 8)
about the Lord, his ways. Seek him. Become broken in pieces by
humbling yourself in order to hear the Lord and see him in
everything. Do not walk in ways of people who allow fear to control
them. Don't fear what they fear. “Sanctify the Lord of Hosts
himself, and let him be your fear, and let him be your dread.” The
Lord, Jesus Christ, will be your sanctuary. Seek the Lord thru your
stumbling, humble yourself (be broken) and see your snares for what
they are then refuse them in order to come unto Christ. Those that
seek the Lord have him in their heart and will be found with him in
Mount Zion. Seek the spirit of the Lord in everyone and everything by
seeking familiar spirits, his spirit that you have recognized and
heard and seen before. Seek for God among the living – see where
they have been touched by the Lord – look for him in them. See past
the things that are not of God, don't look for these things. Seek the
Lord. Those who do not understand this will, “speak not according
to his word, it is because there is no light in them”. Those who do
not understand the Lord will go thru life and be hungry seeing it as
hunger and fret and worry blaming the Lord their God for their
trials. Those who do not understand the Lord see the darkness of
things and the trouble and anguish, fear is their driving force. Let
faith and love be your driving force. Seek the Lord, thru faith and
keeping the pure love of Christ in your heart.
Nephi 19 (Isaiah 9)
invites everyone (yes… everyone includes you) to come out of the
darkness, the shadow of death, and see the light from the Lord. Come
to the Lord, Jesus Christ, he will make light your burdens. (Isaiah
9:6) The Lord comes and will tear down all churches of men. There
will be wars. All the while the Lord's hands will be stretched out
waiting for those of his children that will come to him. For those
who do not turn to the Lord and seek him he will cut off “head and
tail” because the “head and tail” are their leaders and their
leaders are keeping them from seeking the Lord. The head are the
ancient, those who are many years old. The tail are the prophets that
teacheth lies, they are not teaching to come to Christ. All that
follow the ancient and the prophets who teach lies will be destroyed.
The young and old, all of them, for they are “evil doers” and
seek not the pure love of Jesus Christ to follow him. Isaiah writes,
“The Lord will cut off from Israel head and tail, branch and rush
in one day” (Israel, meaning the tribes of Israel specifically).
Nephi 20 (Isaiah 10)
unto those that make claims and laws that are unrighteous in order to
get gain and power and control. Because those who do so rob the poor,
the needy, the widow, the fatherless and help them not. Without the
Lord in your life you will not know who to turn to and you will
become prisoners to the ways of men, the claims of men and the laws
of men. The Lord will tread down the claims and laws and the ways of
men including their false comforts and idols and images.
purpose of the Lord's work as spoken of by Isaiah is to cleanse Mount
Zion and Jerusalem. When the Lord does his work he “will punish the
fruit of the stout heart” and these are those that have set
themselves up as kings because of riches and worldly things. These
are those who believe that “by the strength of my hand and my
wisdom I have done these things, for I am prudent”. And also, these
are those who rob people of their treasures putting them down without
a peep and this because of unrighteous decrees and ways of men.
Recognize these ways for what they are and do this by coming to
Christ first and then listening to his spirit. The Lord of Hosts will
take away all that has been built up by man for man. Then he will
burn the briers and thorns (those who do not seek him and know him)
in one day, even soul and body – only few will remain. Be patient
and continue in faith, seeking the Lord. So long as you seek him you
are counted with his people, the House of Israel. The time will come
soon enough when he will tear down the indignation and the oppression
will cease due to his destruction. The Lord of Hosts will correct and
cleanse his garden on this earth and “the high ones of stature
shall be hewn down; and the haughty shall be humbled”. Then, those
who truly have chosen to come to the Lord will have rest.
Nephi 21 (Isaiah 11)
Lord has the spirit of wisdom and understanding, he has the spirit of
counsel and might and the spirit of knowledge and fear of God. Quick
understanding in the fear of the Lord. He will not judge from what he
sees and hears. He will judge with righteousness what is truly in
your heart, the poor and meek will be one with him and by his very
presence the wicked will be slain.
millennium will have arrived and the righteous and faithful will be
all that are able to withstand the glory, hence the righteous and
faithful will remain. The wolf will dwell with the lamb, the leopard
will lie down with the kid, calf and lion will be amongst each other
and the child will lead them. Like the cow, the bear and lion and all
animals that eat flesh will eat straw, or plants and fruits of the
earth. No killings – no death. No sickness – no pain. “They
shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain, for the earth
shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord”.
Lord will have an ensign set up for all the tribes of Israel to come
to. There will be no more envy and all adversaries will be gone. The
Lord will make the paths to Zion so his children, those who seek him,
will be able to “go over dry shod”.
Nephi 22 (Isaiah 12)
the Lord and have patience and humility, the Lord will comfort his
children, all that seek him. In the day you have received a fulness
of faith you will praise the Lord and declare his doings among the
people. And in the millennium “sing unto the Lord, for he hath done
excellent things; this is known in all the earth”.
Nephi 23 (Isaiah 13)
Lord will command his sanctified ones and his mighty ones to go up
the high mountain and “lift ye up a banner”. There will be a hand
shake to go into the gates. “For mine anger is not upon them that
rejoice in my highness.”
hosts of people will be mustered up for battle. The day of the Lord
will be almost here. For those that seek him and are his people, they
will rejoice. For those who do not seek him, they will be afraid and
“every mans heart shall melt away”. They will flee to their own
people with hopes of restitution, yet there will be none. “The day
of the Lord cometh, cruel both with wrath and fierce anger” for he
shall destroy the sinners from off the earth and this to make way and
renew the earth for his presence. It will become completely dark,
there will be no light from the stars, from the moon nor from the
sun. The world will be punished for evil and the wicked for their
iniquity. The Lord takes away arrogancy, the proud and pride of men.
There will be so few that remain that a man will be rare to find,
like it is rare to find gold when panning for gold. There will be a
great earthquake. Those that flee to their own land and people, even
all the wicked and proud will be killed in battle. There will be an
army of evil that cares nothing for their neighbors and enemies
having no compassion but only hate and fear. They will destroy all,
even women and children with no mercy and thought. It shall be as
Sodom and Gomorrah was destroyed, even everyone will be destroyed who
is not with the Lord. “For I will destroy her speedily; yea, for I
will be merciful unto my people, but the wicked shall perish.”
Nephi 24 (Isaiah 14)
House of Israel will travel to their lands of promise. In that day,
when the tribes of Israel are in their lands of promise, the Lord
will give them rest from sorrow and fear. The Lord will have taken
away “the staff of the wicked, the scepters of the rulers”. At
this point “the whole earth is at rest.”
will no longer have any power over men, for the men that remain will
no longer desire to do evil, being the light of which he cannot
enter. He will be brought low and those that see him will “narrowly
look” upon him and ask, “Is this the man that made the earth to
tremble, that did shake kingdoms?” “Seed of evil-doers shall
never be renowned.” The ways of man will be done away, because
those who will be left will be full of love for each other and will
care nothing for riches, power and control. In Zion, will be “the
poor of his people” and the Lord, Jesus Christ.
Nephi 25
spirit of the Lord speaks in plainness and simple truths. He is what
he speaks and what he speaks of is goodness and love. The words of
Isaiah will be understood by those who truly are in tune with the
spirit of the Lord.
was destroyed by Babylon soon after Lehi left and after a time the
Lord prepared a way for the Jews to return. Since their return there
have been wars and rumors of war – (as is still the case even
today) – Jesus came in the flesh and was rejected by them because
of their iniquities, pride (stiffness of their necks) and hardness of
their hearts. They had him crucified. He did rise from the dead three
days later as told by the prophets who came before. “All who
believe on his name shall be saved in the kingdom of God.”
after Christ lived among the Jews and was rejected, Jerusalem was
destroyed and the Jews were scattered among all nations. Babylon was
also destroyed. This was done to humble the tribes of Israel so that
someday they would accept the Son of God and believe in Christ. Soon
the Lord comes a second time “to restore his people from their lost
and fallen state”.
predominantly writes for the seed of Joseph but also to all the house
of Israel. To Joseph because of the promise that his seed should
never perish. Those that have kept and do keep the Law of Moses do so
because of the commandments but remember it is a law that has an end
and becomes dead and this happened when the Lord came and fulfilled
it and now “We are alive in Christ because of our faith”. “We
talk of Christ, we rejoice in Christ, we preach of Christ, we
prophecy of Christ and we write according to our prophecies, that our
children may know to what source they may look for a remission of
their sins.”
to what end the law of Moses was given and see it for what it is, it
being a temporal law. Know the deadness of the law and become alive
thru Christ, seeking him, even seeking to be like him. Harden your
heart no more to him who says the law ought to be done away.
right way is to believe in Christ, and deny him not; and Christ is
the holy one of Israel.” You must “bow down before him, and
worship him with all your might, mind and strength”.
Nephi 26
talks about the time when Christ will come to see the Nephites in the
Americas. The words which Christ speaks you need to accept them and
receive them as his law of what you need to do.
are given before Christ comes, this always is the case. For those
people that cast out the prophets, stone and slay saints, and are
wicked and proud shall perish. For those that are righteous who
hearken unto the words of the prophets and who look forward unto
Christ seeking him with steadfastness, thru persecution, are those
that will not perish.
careful you do not yield unto the devil and chose works of darkness
rather than light. Things of this world, pride and selfishness know
them them for what they are. When the spirit ceases to dwell with a
man then destruction speedily cometh. As the Jews are to believe in
Christ so are the Gentiles.
Lord, Jesus Christ, manifests himself to all that seek him and
believe in him according to their faith.
the last days the seed of Nephi and his brethren shall have dwindled
in unbelief and the Gentiles come and destroy many of them and make
them low. There is a book written by the righteous of the seed of
Nephi that will be a familiar spirit to the seed of Nephi in the last
Gentiles are full of pride, this is where they stumble and falter.
You are among them. They have built up many churches yet “they put
down the power and miracles of God” and preach up unto themselves
their wisdom and their learning. They do this so they can have their
money and nice things and turn their backs on the poor. These
churches will be full of envyings, strifes, malice, secret
combinations and many works of the devil which bind all that follow
them down to hell.
Lord does not work darkness. “He doeth not anything save it be for
the benefit of the world”. He gave his life and calls everyone to
come to him and there is no one he does not command to “come unto
me all ye ends of the earth”. He commands that his people, those
that truly seek and follow him, live life in a way that persuades all
men to repentance, pointing to our example Jesus Christ.
is to be no priestcrafts. Priestcrafts are done when men set
themselves up as light unto the world and this so they can have their
money and things and build upon them and also for the fame and praise
of the world. In doing this they seek not the welfare of Zion. The
Lord instructs you to do the opposite of this. He asks you to have
charity and charity is the pure love of Christ. If you have charity,
you will not suffer anyone who seeks the Lord, one who “labors in
Zion”, to perish. You need to labor for Zion and not for money if
you are to be full of charity. If you labor for money, you will
perish. The Lord invites all to come unto him. No one is excluded.
Come unto him, repent of ways that keep you from coming to him.
Nephi 27 (Isaiah 29)
the last days or in the days of the Gentiles, when the gospel is sent
out and shared with the Gentiles; the Gentiles, the Jews and everyone
of all lands will be “drunken with iniquity and all manner of
abominations. This day, which Isaiah speaks of, has arrived and is
still upon us and the Lord of Hosts brings his wrath against those
that fight against Zion.
Lord has brought to you, the Book of Mormon, which was delivered to
Joseph Smith for him to deliver its translation. He has translated
the Book of Mormon with the power of God, all but the sealed portion
of which is to remain sealed “until the own due time of the Lord”.
The day comes when the revelations within the words of the sealed
portion will be read by the power of Christ and “all things shall
be revealed unto the children of men”. This will be a great day for
the righteous and a dreadful day for the wicked.
Smith and three witnesses are all that were able to behold the book,
golden plates. No more were able to view it save a few. These few
bear testimony of it. The Lord proceeds to bring the words from the
Book of Mormon thru as many witnesses as he chooses and he warns all
that they should not reject it.
book, the Book of Mormon, will be rejected by the learned or those
people that suppose they “have already knowledge”. It will be the
humble and unlearned that will receive the Book of Mormon and find
out, thru faith, it is the word of God and the men in it are prophets
of the Lord, Jesus Christ, having seen him and having written of him
and his ways.
Lord says, “I am God; and I am a God of miracles; and I will show
unto the world that I am the same yesterday, today and forever; and I
work not among the children of men save it be according to their
the Lord with your heart, even as said in scripture, “with all thy
heart, might and mind”. It is what is truly in your heart that the
Lord sees. Seek him and his counsel thru the Holy Ghost and do not
count on the precepts of men. Keep faith in the Lord and he will open
your ears so you can hear and your eyes so that you can “see out of
the obscurity of darkness”. Your meekness will increase and you
will become poor among men because you no longer desire nor care for
worldly things and riches.
day comes when the terrible one is brought low and “to naught”,
the scorners consumed and the ones who search and look for iniquity
are cut off. Those that take words and turn them against the man that
uses them, to attempt to invalidate that man though that man is just,
will also be cut off.
Nephi 28
Book of Mormon is of great worth, as it helps the children of men
turn and seek the Lord. As it is written in scripture, the Book of
Mormon will be brought to the children of men in a time which will be
full of churches, each teaching the precepts of their own learning
and denying the power of God by doing so. The priests and leaders of
these churches, each in their own way, are preaching that God has
come and lived and done his work and there is no God among us today
that performs miracles and that he hath given his power unto men. You
must see and recognize these teachings for what they are, for they
are precepts of men and God still does perform miracles and he does
not change nor his ways.
are some examples of precepts of men that that the Lord has provided
you with for you to understand and recognize what they are. “Eat,
drink and be merry, for tomorrow we die; and it shall be well with
us.” Also, “Eat, drink, and be merry; nevertheless, fear God –
he will justify in committing a little sin; yea, lie a little, take
the advantage of one because of his words, dig a pit for thy
neighbor; there is no harm in this; and do all these things, for
tomorrow we die; and if it so be that we are guilty, God will beat us
with a few stripes, and at last we shall be saved in the kingdom of
God.” If you hear, see or sense this spirit, know that it does not
come from God and that it is of the philosophies of men. God is
opposite of this thinking. God has faith and love. He does not
change. He asks you to come unto him. Become like him. It is becoming
like God that gets you into the kingdom of God.
are many that teach false, vain and foolish doctrine and they will
believe in what they teach and be blind to the ways of the Lord. They
are afraid to seek God's counsel for in doing this they admit they
truly do not know his ways and so their works shall be in the dark
and their hearts full of pride.
yourself, ask yourself, and see the wrongs you have done being caught
up in the philosophies of men. Are your teachers teaching to “come
unto Christ”? Does your church “rob the poor because of their
fine sanctuaries… fine clothing? Do you persecute the meek and poor
in heart? Are you puffed up in pride? Do you believe you know though
you have not received angels nor the second comforter? The spirit of
this chapter, second Nephi twenty-eight, should prompt you to ask
these questions of yourself.
the last days, these days, they are all gone astray save a few. Its
only a few. Even those few “do err because they are taught by the
precepts of men”. Receive your teachings from the Lord, directly
from him, thru the Holy Ghost and avoid being led astray by the
precepts of men. This chapter is a warning to you, you must repent
and change your ways - come unto Christ – trust him. Woes will be
unto the rich, the wise, the learned, the prideful, false preachers
and those who commit whoredoms, this because they shall be thrust
down to hell.
this warning from the Lord, Jesus Christ, he speaks directly to you.
Do not “turn aside the just” thinking they haven't heard the
spirit, but be humble and seek the spirit of the Lord in everyone and
everything. Find what it is that has touched this particular person
or thing and learn more yourself thru seeking the Lord, Jesus Christ.
If you do this you will not “revile against that which is good”.
of your wickedness and abominations. Stop doing things the Lord
wouldn't do. Stop caring for things the Lord cares nothing for. Love
others – care for them – seek Jesus Christ.
great and abominable church, even all the churches of the world
including your church, will fall “and great must be the fall
thereof”. Those whose foundations are built upon these churches of
the world “must shake” for they belong to the kingdom of the
devil, being bound to him, and they need to be “stirred up unto
repentance”. Satan binds the hearts of the children of men in many
ways, he is very tricky – he is the greatest salesman of all. He
encourages you towards him with carnal securities and thoughts like
“All is well in Zion; yea, Zion prospereth, all is well”. “He
cheateth their souls, and leadeth them away carefully down to hell.”
He is tricky because of how well he conceals himself within your
thoughts. You think it is your own thought when actually he is the
influence. He is the greatest salesman of all because he knows what
you want and desire. He sells to your thoughts and emotions exactly
what you want to hear based on those wants and desires. This is why
it is so important to have your wants and desires be coming unto
Christ, being one with God. Satan will not have power over you if you
truly want and desire to be like Christ.
not be at “ease in Zion!” or cry “All is well!” Do not
hearken to the precepts of men. Seek God's instructions thru
searching and prayer and listening thru the Holy Ghost. Always seek
the Lord – continue the search always, praying always. Have faith
that he will reveal. “I will give unto the children of men line
upon line, precept upon precept, here a little and there a little;
and blessed are those who hearken unto my precepts, for they shall
learn wisdom; for unto him that receiveth I will give more; and from
them that shall say, we have enough, from them shall be taken away
even that which they have.” Do not trust the precepts of men,
search for truths from God thru the Holy Ghost. Continue searching
for the Lord as he says, “mine arm is lengthened out all the day
Nephi 29
Gentiles have received of the gospel and are rejecting the fullness
of it, even now today. You are a Gentile, so be careful that you do
not continue on rejecting the gospel of the Lord, Jesus Christ. Keep
searching for the Lord, look for him to be your guide and receive of
the fulness after the trials of your faith. Never stop searching for
the Lord, he manifests himself in many ways; thru the Bible, the Book
of Mormon, a friend, a family member and even perhaps someone you
perceived to be an enemy. Look to the Lord, Jesus Christ – search
for him – seek him always. You are truly blessed because you have
the testimony of two nations in the Bible and the Book of Mormon of
which stand as witnesses of God and his ways. The Lord uses more than
one witness to prove that he is the same yesterday, today and
are other words that are written, being inspired of God, that you do
not have. He commands “all men… that they shall write the words
which I speak unto them”. It is out of these books the Lord will
judge the world. There are more books of God out there, you just have
not received anymore yet – you will in the Lord's due time. As
mentioned, you know there are the words of the Jews (Bible), the
words of the Nephites (Book of Mormon) and the words of the lost ten
tribes of Israel which you haven't received yet. The house of Israel
will be gathered to their own lands and the books and words will be
gathered and shown to be as one.
Nephi 30
matters not what lineage you have, whether Gentile or Jew, the Lord's
covenant people are those who repent and have faith in him, seeking
Book of Mormon has been brought to the remnant of the seed of Nephi
and they are able to find out their true lineage and of them there
are those whose “scales of darkness shall begin to fall from their
eyes”. And many of the scattered Jews who are found among the
Gentiles and all across the earth shall begin to believe in Christ
and they will begin to gather and all that come to Christ, believe
him, will become a delight-some people. All this is foretold by
Nephi. Repent and believe in Christ, become a part of the poor and
meek of the earth. There will be a great division and the Lord will
destroy the wicked and spare his people. His people are those who
believe in him and follow him and are one with him. Then there will
be no more hurt and no more destruction. It will be a day of rest,
“for the earth shall be full of knowledge of the Lord”.
Everything shall be known. There will be no secrets, all things of
light will be known and likewise all things of darkness will be
known. This pure knowledge keeps Satan (and all those who follow
Satan) from having any power over the hearts of the children of men.
Nephi 31
doctrine of Christ and the plainness of how the Lord works among the
children of men as Nephi explains:
Lord God giveth light unto the understanding; for he speaketh unto
men according to their language, unto their understanding”.
Lamb of God was baptized by one with authority, even a prophet of
God, to “fulfill all righteousness”. If he has need to be
baptized of water then how much more do you need to be baptized.
Jesus Christ was baptized to humble himself before the father and
“witnessed unto the father that he would be obedient unto him in
keeping his commandments”. After he was baptized with water the
Holy Ghost descended upon him. Straight is the path and narrow is the
gate – only one way – the Lord's way. He continually calls out to
you and asks you to “follow thou me”. “Repent ye, repent ye and
be baptized in the name of my beloved son.” And again, he says, “He
that is baptized in my name, to him will the father give the Holy
Ghost, like unto me, wherefore, follow me, and do the things ye have
seen me do.”
the gate thru repentance and baptism then receive a remission of your
sins by fire, even by the Holy Ghost. Receive the tongue of angels
and never deny the Lord and his ways. Endure to the end by continuing
to seek him – praying always, searching scripture, listening for
his instructions and following his example – this thru faith and
love and humility and meekness and patience. “Press forward with a
steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope, and a
love of God and of all men.” Following Christ thru faith and
allowing him to be your guide and enduring to the end is the way to
eternal life. This is the doctrine of Christ.
Nephi 32
you have received the Holy Ghost you are able to speak with the
“tongue of angels” for angels of the Lord speak by the power of
the Holy Ghost.
upon the words of Christ”, seek to understand his words for his
words “will tell you all things what ye should do”.
you do not understand the words of Christ you do not ask him to
reveal them unto you and you remain in the dark.
the Holy Ghost, “it will show unto you all things what ye should
is the doctrine of Christ and there is no more until he manifests
himself unto you – always search for knowledge receiving it from
the Lord, Jesus Christ by way of the Holy Ghost.
spirit of the Lord teacheth you that you must pray and pray always
(listening for knowledge and guidance). The evil spirit teacheth you
that you need not pray. Pray always, pray in the name of Jesus
Christ, pray that the Lord “will consecrate thy performance” and
“that thy performance may be for the welfare of thy soul”.
Nephi 33
Holy Ghost speaks to you. You have to receive understanding of things
of God from the Holy Ghost. No matter where or who or what manifests
the truth you must seek the understanding of it from the Holy Ghost.
the Lord – seek to understand thru the Holy Ghost. Pray for others
to seek for the Holy Ghost as well. Live in a way that persuades
others to do good and seek the Lord.
speaketh harshly against sin. No man is angry when hearing truth
unless that man has been influenced by the spirit of the devil.
in the Lord, Jesus Christ, and have charity for all. Enter into the
narrow gate and walk in the straight path being reconciled unto
in Christ and believe in the words of Christ for they teach all men
to be good.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Nephi 20-21 (Isaiah 48-49)
the Lord's people, rather all people that are baptized in the Lord's
name and swear in his name and “make mention of the God of Israel”,
are lost and fallen and naturally do not swear in truth and
righteousness. The Lord calls to you and shows you the way always yet
you do not hear him because of the trust you have in the “natural
man”. It is the trust of which you understand because you are of
the world. Hear him, follow the Lord – his ways are eternal and not
of this world. Learning his ways separates you from this world. Seek
his peace and receive it with faith. Remember that the wicked
receiveth no peace. Those that will oppress you after you have chosen
to follow the lord, even kings, will bow to you and they will be
“drunken with their own blood”. Then all flesh will know the
Redeemer is the savior “the mighty one of Jacob”.
Nephi 6:6-7 & 16-18
Lord's people, those that truly seek and follow him leaving the ways
of the world behind will be delivered from their capturers. Those
that contend with his people will be contended with.
Nephi 7 (Isaiah 50)
Lord does not “put away” you, you have sold yourself away because
of your iniquities. Everyone in this world has to overcome it while
upon it. The Lord calls out to everyone – he is calling out whether
you hear him or not. He warns you about creating your own sparks and
kindling your own fire. This is creating comforts and trusts in the
world because you are in the world. Trust only God. Find him. Listen
to him. He knows the way. His ways separate him from the world, he
being eternal. If you follow him and learn his ways, you will
separate yourself from the world as he has done.
Nephi 8 (Isaiah 51 – 52:2)
that seek the Lord and righteousness are the only ones that “hearken
unto me” and it is to those that seek the Lord and righteousness
that Isaiah writes. Notice, “Look”, be aware of the fact that you
are digging in a pit. It is a pit you have dug. Now that you seek the
Lord you have turned from digging down and you are now digging your
way out.
to heaven – become like Jesus Christ by following him and his ways.
See this world as a mortal place that will rot away and wax old. If
you seek righteousness then hearken unto the Lord. Fear God and not
man. Nor fear things of this world. God will protect you from this
world even if your oppressors have you killed, and this because you
will rise above it. “Therefore, the redeemed of the Lord shall
return, and come with singing unto Zion; and everlasting joy and
holiness shall be their heads; and they shall obtain gladness and
joy; sorrow and mourning shall flee away.”
comforted by the Lord seeking even the second comforter, seeing him
face to face. How is it you allow yourself to fear man or anything of
this world when you have the creator calling out to you asking you to
“fear not” and to “come unto me” and to “come follow me”
the Lord, Jesus Christ. Put your comfort in him and he will comfort
you. When you do this you are one of his people.
Lord calls to those who seek righteousness to “Awake, Awake”
repent of things worldly, things that are not of God, have faith and
believe in Jesus Christ following and doing what he would do. Fulfill
his commandments to be baptized. Come to Zion. All things happen
spiritually before they happen physically.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Noah did not follow the ways of his righteous father who was the
previous leader of the people and the people's church. King Noah
became the leader of the people and the church and his example along
with his priests' lead nearly all the people astray. He built lavish
and spacious buildings, had many wives and concubines, collected lots
and lots of silver, gold, brass, copper and ziff. He used his workmen
to decorate the temple with fine workmanship and lots of this gold,
silver, brass, copper and ziff. The people of Zeniff excelled even
though they were led astray and became very prideful.
came Abinadi, he was called by God to tell the people of their
worldly, corrupt wicked ways and to repent and come to God. He told
them they would come into bondage if they did not repent. The people
were blinded in their ways and their hearts were hardened against the
words of Abinadi. They were wroth with him all the way up to King
Noah and resented Abinadi's teachings and accused him of judging
two years, Abinadi returned to the people of Zeniff. He prophesied to
the people and told them he was sent by God to teach them of their
wicked ways and to repent and come unto God. He tells them what will
happen if they repent not and that is that they will be smitten with
famine, pestilence and be put under bondage. The people still do not
see the sins they commit as being sins – because they are blinded
by the ways of the world; and because they do not look to or seek –
the Lord, Jesus Christ. Abinadi is arrested and taken away to prison.
Then he is brought before the king and his priests. The priests try
and use scripture to confound Abinadi (one is from Isaiah 52:7-10).
Abinadi exclaims that if they believe in scripture then why do they
not live by them and that their poor example has brought the people
iniquity and they are blinded to the ways of the Lord.
where God reigneth and publisheth peace, good tidings and salvation…
where those who have seeked the Lord and are coming to know him and
fully understand his ways will share the same beliefs… being as
one, no poor among them and seeing eye to eye. Look to the day when
you will be in Zion until then continue with faith in the Lord, Jesus
Christ, and repentance – enduring to the end.
Noah and his priests do not like what Abinadi has to say. They
thought he was crazy, “a mad man”. King Noah was going to have
Abinadi taken away and slain but he could not nor would not because
of his fear of Abinadi's words at that moment. Abinadi recognizes
that “because I have told you the truth ye are angry with me”.
They cold not touch Abinadi at that moment because the power of God
was with him and he hadn't finished delivering God's message. Abinadi
proclaimed the 10 commandments or Law of Moses to them. He explains
how that just living the Law of Moses will not enough to reach
salvation but that the Lord's children must be redeemed by the Lord,
Jesus Christ. The Law of Moses, the lesser law, was given as “a law
of performances and of ordinances, a law which they were to observe
strictly from day to day, to keep them in remembrance of God and
their duty towards him”, this because the children of Israel were
quick to do iniquity and slow to remember the Lord.
14 (Isaiah 53)
explains that all the people of the world push the Lord and Savior
aside and out of the way to get to their God who must not be him who
they pushed aside, how could he be… there's nothing special about
him. You, being of the world, do not see the Lord because you are
expecting him to be something he is not, you think he will most
definitely standout to you. “He is despised and rejected of men.”
All men “have gone astray” and “turned everyone to his own
way”. In coming to earth the Lord took upon him everyone's
iniquities and it was everyone of this earth that had “him
stricken, smitten of God and afflicted”. You and each one of his
children are oppressors, afflicters and the cause of his grief and
sorrows. See your ways as temporal and wicked. Turn from them to the
Lord and follow his ways being good and eternal.
Lord came and lived upon the earth, being the Father and the Son.
“They are one God, yea, the very Eternal Father of heaven and of
earth.” He suffered temptation, yielding not, and he suffered
himself to be mocked, and scourged, and cast out, and disowned, and
crucified until death by his people. After he suffered these things,
never straying from the will of the father, he gained victory over
death and was given the power “to make intercession for the
children of men”.
broke the bonds of death and takes upon himself the iniquity and
transgressions of his children, his seed. Who are his seed? His seed
are his holy prophets and all those that hear the words of the
prophets “yea, all the holy prophets who have prophesied concerning
the coming of the Lord”. All those that hearken to the spirit that
testifies the truthfulness of the messages brought forth by the
prophets, even the true prophets of the Lord, and seek the Lord –
coming unto him, striving to be like him and rejecting the ways of
the world truly are his seed. These are his seed and “they are the
heirs of the kingdom of God”. “For these are they whose sins he
has borne; these are they for whom he has died.” Those who are of
the seed of the Lord will come forth in the first resurrection.
“Behold, and fear, and tremble before God, for ye ought to tremble;
for the Lord redeemeth none such that rebel against him and die in
their sins.”
day comes when the Lord shall bring again Zion and all who live there
shall see eye to eye. “The Lord hath made bare his holy arm in the
eyes of all the nations; and all the ends of the earth shall see the
salvation of our God.”
time comes when everyone will “see eye to eye and shall confess
before God that his judgments are just”. Then the wicked shall be
cast out, all those who did not hearken unto the Lord and hear his
message from his prophets. The wicked will not be redeemed because
they will be bound to another because they are “carnal and
devilish, and the devil has power over them.” “All mankind were
lost… they would have been endlessly lost were it not that God
redeemed his people.” But remember, “he that persists in his own
carnal nature, and goes on in the ways of sin and rebellion against
God, remaineth in his fallen state and the devil hath power over
of Christ, there is a resurrection but not necessarily a redemption.
You must put away all you carnal and devilish ways and thru faith,
repentance, baptism and reception of the Holy Ghost endure to the end
becoming like Christ, seeking him and his ways. Who you truly are in
your heart determines where you will stand after you die. Is your
heart good, full of love and the Lord's ways or is your heart evil,
full of fear and devilish ways? “If they be good, to the
resurrection of endless life and happiness; and if they be evil, to
the resurrection of endless damnation being delivered up to the
devil, who hath subjected them, which is damnation.”
your carnal wills and desires – eliminate them, by calling upon the
Lord and seeking to become like him, having faith that you will
receive further light and knowledge, precept upon precept, until the
glorious day of which you will be blessed with a visit from the Lord,
Jesus Christ, even the second comforter.
finished speaking his message, the Lord sent him to deliver. He did
not deny it, even unto death. He suffered death by fire and told the
people the calamities that would soon arrive upon them because God
will not allow his servants to suffer without executing vengeance.
Alma heard the words of Abinadi and saw the truth of the Lord and had
to flee from the king and his men. Alma carried on the work of the
Lord and served the Lord the rest of his life.