Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Conversations with God

The following journal entries are primarily of what the Lord, Jesus Christ, has told me and revealed to me through the Holy Spirit…put into my words. It contains, mainly, the message the Lord is continually sending out to all of his children. These words are how I personally have received his message, at least what I have received thus far. They are written in my words, meant for my understanding, my perception and my current perspective. The Lord has asked me to share this, my revelations put into my words, with my family, friends and neighbors. He wants each one of his children to come to him and receive his message because the only way to become like him, Jesus Christ, is to receive from him…directly from him. All messages from God thru man are meaningless if they are not received with the Holy Spirit. Each of God’s children must find out for themselves. Now is the time. The end is almost here. Search scripture, ponder and pray. “Ask God”, he will reveal through the Holy Spirit.

July 21, 2014
1. Prepare yourself to be a tool in the Lord’s hands through prayer and spiritual study.

2. Focus on finding the Lord and meeting him face to face, everything else will workout. This, through faith.

3. Love conquers evil. With love in your heart you know the Lord is with you. Be understanding, patient and charitable.

4. The Lord speaks to your spirit in a language unlike any on earth. He speaks complete truth that enlightens your soul. You then can translate to the best of your ability into your earthly language.

5. Pray in everything and about everything, asking questions with the intent of receiving answers through faith, diligent searching and intently listening to the spirit. You must always be praying and having the Lord with you speaking to you in every moment of every day. This is how you will become one with the Lord, following his instructions all the way until your faith in him develops into knowledge.

July 22, 2014
1. The Holy Spirit enlightens you with truth filling your heart and mind seemingly instantly with knowledge of truth from the Lord. Darkness cannot enlighten you as it keeps you lost. Darkness and evil lies to you keeping you from the truth. Where there is evil there is fear, anger, lust, pride, selfishness, etc.

July 23, 2014
1. Be truly humble, you need no recognition because ‘everything is made possible by God’. The credit belongs with the Lord and him only. He asks for meekness. You need to be submissive and eager to hear more instructions from him.

2. God is everywhere. His influence and every purpose are all around you patiently waiting for you to hear him. As soon as your heart and mind are ready, you instantly hear and understand the precept. This is done precept by precept. Pride hinders this process. How can you learn something new when you think you already have it figured out? There is nothing to be figured out. Well, if anything is to be figured out it is how to become humble enough and faithful enough to hear what the Lord is and what his purpose is.

July 24, 2014
1. In the New Testament of the Bible, Jesus Christ gives you and everyone else a perfect example of love, charity and forgiveness of others. A perfect illustration of this is when he was on the cross being crucified by his own people, he called out to the Father saying, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do” (Luke 23:34). To be like Jesus Christ you must do as he would do even to your death.

July 25, 2014
1. Put your comfort in the Lord. Anything else leads away from the Lord. You know you have comfort in the Lord if you are intently listening to him through the Holy Spirit.

July 26, 2014
1. The Holy Spirit speaks a completeness of truth. All truths instantaneously and simultaneously are spoken to your heart and mind. You may not hear all of it just yet but as you continue with faith in Jesus Christ there will come a point when you can.

2. Exercising faith is continuing on your path believing you will receive further light and knowledge. Further light and knowledge comes precept upon precept but only after the trial of your faith. A fullness of faith comes when you have been true and faithful. It comes after receiving further light and knowledge precept upon precept to the point where you now know. Jesus Christ will become completely apparent to you and will no longer be hidden to you. At this point, angels may appear to you, Christ will appear to you and when the time is right introduce you to the Father.

July 28, 2014
1. You must learn to discern between the spirit of man, the spirit of the devil and the spirit of God. Fight thru your pride and humble yourself so you can see.

2. From all your emotions and feelings you can trace back to one of two roots, fear or love. You need love to make it to God. 

August 1, 2014
1. Adam and Eve have followed the Lord ‘step by step’, ‘precept by precept’ to reach celestial glory. The Lord Jesus Christ knows the way. He followed Heavenly Father. They have become gods and know the way.

2. In the scriptures and in the temple we learn the steps Adam and Eve had to take to be with God. You must take the same steps to reach a fullness of faith. There is no other way. The Lord knows the way and is showing you the way every moment. You need to hear his instructions and this is done precept upon precept and not all at once. Strengthen faith, repent of old perceptions and strip them away to prepare new perceptions building your faith. And repeat repentance in this way until you reach a fullness of faith. You will know when you reach it because the Lord will sup with you and meet you in person, face to face.

August 10, 2014
1. You need to prepare for the Lord’s coming in all his glory. Time and time again in the scriptures there are the Lord’s people that fall away from his church. Pride, riches, supposed learning, etc. clog the people’s hearts and minds. Then the Lord sends his prophets to teach repentance. By this time most people, even church going people, did not recognize the Lord’s true prophets because they were blinded mostly by pride. Hence, “many are called but few are chosen”. Be humble, don’t miss out on your day of repentance because of pride. This is happening today, only this time it is happening to the whole world together. When the Lord comes in all his glory, he comes to the whole world. Take faith in the Lord to be ready when this day comes. Repent of all worldly sins, these are cares that belong to the world and are not eternal.

2. The Lord comes as a thief in the night to all his true followers and servants. This is happening now and will continue until he comes in all his glory. When he comes all those that know him and that he knows will dwell with him in glory. All those who he does not know will be burnt up. They will not be able to withstand the glory of him and the new changed and terrestrial world while they are still in their physical temporal/telestial form.

August 12, 2014
1. You are able to find out about the Lord and his spirit and his purpose directly and indirectly. At your current church you can hear spoken words about Jesus Christ and reading scriptures you read written words about Christ, these are indirect ways to surround yourself with the Lord and his spirit. You can hear him directly after you have cried to him in prayer and through the holy spirit you are listening to his reply. When your faith is full you will be able to see him, face to face, directly. Directly communicating with the Lord is the only way to hear him, become like him and know him, now knowing what he knows.

2. I had a dream last night. I am reluctant to write it down because it didn’t start out so good. In the dream there was a voice explaining each part of the dream, this voice is how I know what everything means. The dream starts off with everything burning. I saw all my family burning and then I saw myself in tears mourning my family, this just before I burnt up. The voice told me this would happen if I did not continue searching for the Lord. Next, I saw thousands of chariots leaving heaven and coming to the world. I write chariots because that was the word placed in my mind. Each chariot looked like some kind of futuristic space-craft (the closest image to it according to my recollection is the spaceship from ‘The Flight of the Navigator’) with metalesque stubby bird-like wings. These chariots cannot be seen with telestial eyes but only with terrestrial or celestial eyes. The chariots went in all directions, everywhere. The voice told me that angels were inside the chariots. He told me they were searching for true followers of Christ. He told me this is happening right now. He told me to seek out and find other true followers because it will increase the brightness and I will be found easier. He also told me to become one with my wife and that this would help us be found.

August 13, 2014
1. You will know true followers of Christ by their works and their fruits. What they say will match what the Lord has said to you, not meaning word for word, rather meaning that the spirit will confirm that what they are saying is relative to what you understand and have been given from the Lord. They will not be the popular things among man that are being said in your current church, they will be very important things. They will be things that may require a lot of work, spiritual development and long suffering. They will be things that likely may not come very easily. They will always involve a communication with the Lord directly.

August 15, 2014
1. You need to repent of all your current ways that keep you from hearing and then knowing your Lord, Jesus Christ. Any temporal care or worry that keeps you in a telestial state needs to be stripped away and discarded. Your cares and worries of the world keep you in the world, bound to it. Your cares need to be in knowing Christ and then you will be bound to him. Receive him and receive what he already has received, salvation and godhood.

August 16, 2014
1. True followers of Christ can be recognized thru their works and their fruits, what they do, what they say and where their hearts lie, being with God. A true follower always gives absolute credit to God. A true follower will guide you and others to find answers directly from God.

2. Worship God. To worship God you need to seek God. Find out what he would have you do and then do it. Follow his ways. Come unto him. You seek him through prayer, reading scripture and listening to his true followers. When you have heard what he wants you to do…you then do it. This is done by the perception you are currently in. When doing this, if your perception is not as God would have it then he will reveal it to you if you are humble. This is part of the continual test. Once you have had something revealed about your perception that needs to change, your pride knocked down, you will then change it to a better perception taking another step up in repentance.

3. Repentance is more than just turning from lying, cheating, lust, hate and other commonly known sins. Repentance is changing ways that lead you down a path other than the path of becoming like God. It is recognizing what is worldly, what is temporal, what is telestial and then acting upon what you have recognized by forsaking it. So long as you are here in this telestial world you need to recognize your sins and repent of them.

August 19, 2014
1. Love everyone, be understanding, be considerate, be patient and be godly. Lose your cares of this world. Put your cares in loving others, everyone. Prepare yourself to be God’s servant.

August 27, 2014
1. Sacrifice everything for God. This means you will do whatever Jesus Christ asks of you. You will not let anything get in the way. Friends, family, food, etc-etc… cannot be allowed to hold you back from hearing and then following the Lord’s instructions.

2. Recognize worldly cares and then eliminate them. Worldly cares get in the way or rather block the path to becoming like Jesus Christ. As soon as you notice a worldly care start work immediately to eliminate it.

3. A large part of why you are here is because of temporal, worldly and telestial cares. Theses cares can be money, power, nice things, appearances, music, sports, video games, tv, internet, work, a job, a house, a vehicle, insurance, vacation, friends, family, being popular, fitting in…and the list goes on and on. Joseph Smith mentioned it well when he talked about how he can’t even come close to naming all the ways Satan uses to bind you to him or rather have you be under his power and control.

4. You want to be bound to Jesus Christ. If you follow his instructions when prompted through the spirit, each and every time, he will bind you to him. It is where you put your cares that determines who you are bound to, God or Satan. Put your cares in the Lord, Jesus Christ. This cannot be compromised. As soon as you put another care ahead of the Lord he won’t be able to recognize you. As he professes in scripture, “I never knew you, depart from me, ye that work iniquity” (3 Nephi 14:23). You need to know Jesus Christ and this by commandment (3 Nephi 18:25). The way you will know him is through faith. Faith in what he tells you at every moment in the day. Faith is following what he tells you. He knows the way, no one else. He is the keeper of the gate, no one else. He has become a god, no one else. This is why it is so important that you have a relationship directly with him. Prophets do not know the way. God’s prophets are true followers of Christ who follow what the Lord asks. They know God and are his messengers. Words from a prophet of the Lord are just words, if you don’t hear the message from the spirit of the Lord. You have to have a relationship with the Lord and faith in the Lord so you will be able to hear his messages. 

Sep. 4, 2014
1. Learn Jesus Christ’s characteristics and attributes. Search scriptures, ponder, pray and listen to hear the Holy Ghost. You cannot learn more if you never search. The Lord rewards those who search and believe they will find an answer through the Holy Ghost.

Sep. 7, 2014
1. You are born into this world surrounded by traditions. These traditions are of man and not of God. You need to hash out the differences between what you’ve been told by man and what the spirit of the Lord is telling you (first you need to be diligently searching and listening with real intent). Through study and continued searching you will come across contradictions separating what the Lord teaches from what man teaches. Make the distinction and put away or better yet reject the traditions of man. Man’s traditions and philosophies are always temporal because there is a beginning and an end thereof. They cannot be outside of the realm of this telestial state or kingdom, being opposite of eternal.

2. You have come across some very critical information that you have come to understand more and more thru the spirit. You found this information by attending the Temple, reading scripture or hearing it from a true messenger, you need to mark these things as: ‘very important things to remember’. One important thing to remember is you have heard that this world is patterned after the world where you used to live (basically this means you have lived before on a world just like this one you now live on). Another thing you’ve read in scripture is that you have to partake of the fruit of knowledge of good and evil to know what the Gods know because that is how they gained their knowledge. Also you’ve learned that there will be plenty of men who will be willing to teach you the philosophies of men mingled with scripture.

3. You’ve also learned that Satan tempts with money saying ‘you can buy anything in this world with money’. He wants power and control and he uses fear to get what he wants. Money is a means for him to get this power and control. You will know if it comes from Satan because of the fruits. After investigation you will find either love/faith or fear/hate at the root of anything. Love… God, fear… Satan. This is how it is. It cannot be any other way. It is one or the other. Know this. Understand this. Satan is very tricky. It is why you are still in this world, this telestial state and kingdom. You should want to be like Jesus Christ. You must have this as your main objective. Get out of this temporal worldly place and become like Jesus and rise to the next level, the next state and so on…

Sep. 8, 2014
1. Satan has said, “if you do not walk up to the covenants you make with God then you will be in my power”, you will be bound by the law that Satan is bound to if you do not follow the Lord’s commandments. Being lost and bound to this telestial state you will remain if you do not follow the path to God given to you by the Holy Spirit, in prayer, in the scriptures and in the words the Lord has given through true prophets. You need to seek the Lord, to know him even know him face to face. Then you will be in his power and bound to him, overcoming this current telestial state and kingdom.

2. The Lord Jesus Christ does not care about temporal things, things that have an end. Money, he cares nothing for. This is how you can know he doesn’t care about tithing as it pertains to money or percentages thereof. He cares about his children. He wants his children to not care about money because he knows that his children will be bound to their cares. Money, being temporal, will keep his children bound to the temporal. Tithing in the way it is being used today is of a lesser law, meaning basically, of a temporal law. You have to decide to live higher laws in order to be bound by them. However, this is your choice, you have your free agency. The higher law is the law of sacrifice. Also the law of consecration can be applied here as it equally coincides with the law of sacrifice. You must be willing to sacrifice everything you have, including your own life, for the Lord. Then and only then are you bound to the Lord and higher law. Sacrifice all your temporal cares.

Scriptures for Study

I’ve been impressed to read from certain books in the scriptures with the full intent of coming to the Lord and broadening my understanding of what he would have me do in faith and repentance. I need to read these scriptures as they are specifically written for all who read them, especially me (each and every part has its own purpose for helping recognize all the different necessities for faith and repentance). I’m to read and re-read the following chapters, specifically – and I would exhort all my family, friends and neighbors to read them as well:

-         3 Nephi Chapter 11 all the way thru Chapter 30
-         4 Nephi Chapter 1
-         Mormon Chapter 7, Chapter 8 & Chapter 9
-         Ether Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 11 & Chapter 12
-         Moroni Chapter 1 all the way thru Chapter 10
-         2 Nephi Chapter 12 all the way thru Chapter 33
-         Isaiah Chapter 1 all the way thru Chapter 66
-         Mosiah Chapter 11 all the way thru 17
-         2 Nephi Chapter 3